How to add videos/images in Blogger comments
Step 1. First log in to your Blogger account, go to Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML >> check the "Expand widget templates" box (make a backup)
Step 2. Find (CTRL + F) the following piece of code:
Step 3. Immediately above/before this code, paste the code below:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function replaceText(){if(!document.getElementById){return;}
bodyText = document.getElementById("multimedia");
theText = bodyText.innerHTML;
theText = theText.replace(/\[img\]/gi, "<div style='clear:both'></div><img style='float:left;margin:10px 0;border:1px solid #DDD;max-width:490px;background:#FFF;padding:4px' src='");
theText = theText.replace(/\[\/img\]/gi, "'/><div style='clear:both'></div>");
theText = theText.replace(/\[youtube\]http:\/\/, "<iframe width='480' height='390' src='");
theText = theText.replace(/\[youtube\]http:\/\/\/watch\?v=/gi, "<iframe width='480' height='390' src='");
theText = theText.replace(/&feature=/gi, "?rel=0' '");
theText = theText.replace(/\[\/youtube\]/gi, "?rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>");
theText = theText.replace(/\[youtube\]http:\/\/\/watch\?v=/gi, "<iframe width='480' height='390' src='");
theText = theText.replace(/\[\/youtube\]/gi, "frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>");bodyText.innerHTML = theText;
Step 4. Now find (CTRL + F) this code:
<b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>
Step 5. Just above it, add the following code:
<div id='multimedia'>
Step 6. Then find:
Note: look for this piece of code after the code on the step 4.
Step 7. Just after it, paste this:
Step 8. Save template.
Now everytime you want to post images & videos in comments, you should add the following tags at the beginning and after the url of your youtube videos or images you want to share:
For example:
We have a youtube url:
To make a youtube video appear in blogger comments, you'll have to add the red codes at the beginning and after the youtube URL of the video:
To put images in blogger comments, add these codes at the beginning and at the end of your image url:
Note: replace your-image-url with the url address of your image
To instruct your visitors on how to post images and videos into your blogger comments, you can add a message just above your blogger comment form. To do that go to Dashboard >> Settings >> Comments - and add the following text in the Comment Form Message box:
If you want to post a youtube video or a image in your comment, use <b>[img]YOUR-IMAGE-URL-HERE[/img]</b> for posting images and <b>[youtube]YOUTUBE-VIDEO-URL-HERE[/youtube]</b>
You can see it in my screenshot:
Press Save Settings and you're done !
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